· Easy to assemble and set up
· Highly visible Remote Display screen
· One or Two Timer-Gate set up
· Single or Multiple dog timing
· Hooper Gates cater for all dog sizes without Adjustment
· Reverse Course Switch
· Memory stores 10 Run Times
· 45 Channels across 3 Frequencies
· Rechargeable Batteries Last up to 12 Hours
· 30 Day Refund Guarantee & 12 Months Warranty
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Do you need accurate, reliable timers for Hoopers and Agility Shows?
Read how the PAWS Canine Timer Systems were developed...
Jodie and I are Advanced Instructors accredited by Canine Hoopers UK and host the Super Hoopers events in the South. We needed accurate timers for the shows, so Jodie started researching timers, to find ones that were suitable. But we felt the timers available, that are normally used for Dog Agility Shows, did not work well for Hoopers.
Jodie contacted the developer behind the Pole Agility Winning Systems (PAWS) and asked if he would develop a timer set to our specification. And he agreed.
We used the prototype he developed for the first time at our Super Hoopers show in March 2020. Although they were easy to use, we did have a few teething problems.
So I went back to the developer and explained what had happened and discovered we hadn’t actually set them up properly (that was our learning curve)!
We wanted more features so they would be ideal for any Hoopers Show, catering for all dog sizes and making timing runs at a show as easy as possible for the organisers. And our developer was happy to take on board our suggestions.
After 3 months of to-ing and fro-ing and lots of testing we now have a set of timers specifically geared for Hoopers Shows with a host of features, some of which we did not find on other timer systems. Our developer has continued to improve the timers in response to requests and ideas from our customers.
And, to make sure everyone gets the greatest benefit, I’ve written up an extensive user guide to accompany each set sold.
Since then our timers have been fully tested and endorsed by Canine Hoopers UK.
We have been frequently asked if we could supply a timer system that would be suitable for both Hoopers and Agility shows. In spite of intensive research and development it proved to be impractical.
BUT our developer came up with a solution - we now offer 'add-on' gates that can be used with the same remote handset - thus reducing the investment needed for separate timers.
We hope you enjoy using the PAWS Canine Timer Systems as much as we do.
Kind Regards
Carol Bentley & Jodie Darvill